学科 杂志 发表论文 作者 来自 发布日期
人文学科 Philosophia Utilitarian Contingent Pacifism and Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution Benedict Chan Hong Kong 18/10/2022
人文学科 The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology Mediating Response-ability in Planning: The Elusiveness of the Cambodia Waste Management Report Justin Lau Hong Kong 8/2/2022
人文学科 Humanities and Social Sciences Communications A Chinese tale of three regions: a century of China in thousands of films Wei Guo China 12/4/2022
人文学科 The British Journal of Social Work Roles and Tasks of Social Workers in Chinese Disaster Management Minying He Hong Kong 17/6/2022
人文学科 Religions Hybridising Minjian Religion in South China: Participants, Rituals, and Architecture Canglong Wang China 22/4/2022
人文学科 Journal of English for Academic Purposes Differences between novice and experienced academics in their engagement with audience members in conference Q&A sessions Xiaoyu Xu Hong Kong 28/10/2022
人文学科 Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy Immigration enforcement and justifications for causing harm Kevin Ip Hong Kong 27/10/2022
人文学科 Learned Publishing Politics matters: The power dynamics behind Chinese English-language humanities and social science journals Ying Huang China 22/12/2020
人文学科 Journal of English for Academic Purposes “I found it very special and interesting”: Evaluative language in Master's thesis defenses in Taiwan universities Chia-Yen Lin Taiwan 20/7/2021
人文学科 British Journal of Religious Education Making sense of religion: A qualitative inquiry into students’ conceptions of religion in two Chinese regions Zhenzhou Zhao Hong Kong 1/12/2021
人文学科 Ethnos The Domestic Life of Buyi Videos: The ‘Home Mode’ in Ethnic Rural Southwest China Yu  Luo  Hong Kong 10/8/2021
人文学科 Cross-Cultural Encounters in Modern and Premodern China At the Junction of Desire and Obligation: Analyzing Stefan Zweig’s Letter from an Unknown Woman and Its Two Adaptations Chi Sum  Lau  Hong Kong 31/1/2022
人文学科 Visions of Sustainability for Arts Education Arts and Culture Without Policy: Spontaneous Initiatives by Non-governmental and Civil Society Groups in Hong Kong Lee  Cheng  Hong Kong 1/1/2022
人文学科 Citizenship Teaching & Learning Hong Kong under COVID-19: Active self-mobilization, freedom and responsibilities, and learnings Eric  Chong  Hong Kong 1/6/2021
人文学科 Assessing Writing Exploiting the potential of peer feedback: The combined use of face-to-face feedback and e-feedback in doctoral writing groups Fangtong  Liu  China 2/9/2020
人文学科 European Journal for Sport and Society Defending local culture through the global game in Southern China: Guangzhou Football Club fan culture Chun Wing  Lee  Hong Kong 5/2/2021
人文学科 Journal of Sustainable Tourism The influence of culture on the sustainable livelihoods of households in rural tourism destinations Rong Wang China 16/11/2020
人文学科 Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies Residential and industrial enclaves and labor market outcomes among migrant workers in Shenzhen, China Zhouni  Zhang  Hong Kong 15/1/2021
人文学科 Kritika Kultura Brain Text and Sphinx Factor: An Ethical Interpretation of Adultery in Julian Barnes's Fiction Yili Tang China 31/8/2021
人文学科 Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society The Impacts of Public Art on Cities, Places and People’s Lives Prof. Ming Cheung Australia 11/11/2021